5 September 2023 General Surgeon SGH

Long wait for the surgeon to see me. 
AP Chua Yeow Leng. Surgeon 
Dr Zhu Ling - heart doctor 

Echo for valve.
2 valves that are having issues.
The main one is the mitral valve - left side valve - one
Leaking. Narrowing and valves sticking together a bit. And Leaking.
Left side valve has a leak and 
There is a small hole within the walls of the heart sticking together a bit and also Leaking
The right side valve has a leak
Narrowing and valves sticking together a bit. And Leaking.- most likely-  ballooning ir thymus gland removal - pdmc?
Or thymus gland removal.
Ctscan done -doctor sid - interesting- I record everything in blog.
Blood vessels are not blocked  - its a good thing. Endiogram is ok 
No blockage of the blood vessels  - heart.
Ctscan - veins. 
30mcg Mestinon.  Once a day 

September 22nd. 
Sonam Sujanani 
Yes they can proceed with the surgery. That means there’s no blockage in the arteries of the heart. 

The relevance is: 
1. you have the option of mitraclip (if the surgeon feels that will work) Or 

2. Even if it’s open heart surgery, you will just need yo fix the valves and you won’t need to do a bypass

Clip - not suitable.  Leaking but it's also narrow. Clip is not suitable. 
1. Mitral valve not suitable for clip. 
2. Open heart surgery to change the valve but you don't need a bypass surgery 


 Repair - Leaking- ring - 
Hole between the two walls  - close it up
Other one - mechanical replacement 
Main danger is actually- the veins are quite close
We are aware if it.
Makes sure we are ready for that in case it bleeds from there - we are ready for that. 
We may have to make cuts from the leg just in case it happens 
It's only one part - in heart. 
Even if we cut it, we have control - then it's alright. 
Rest of the heart - is virgin. No more opening from heart.
Hospital  - one week plus.
No driving for 6 weeks.
Travelling  - 2 or 3 months. 

Main concern is the cutting of the Vein and the second one is
Your breathing 
Good management- will be good.

2 days or one day, before surgery. 
Dental checkup

Lung doctor  -
Reboost anatomy- open the thermal again.
Change the mitral valve- its called the mitral valve replacement. 
You want the mechanical one. 
Tricuspid  - with is the valve that is the right side -
Door - which we don't change it but we put a door flim to strengthen it.
The door will be your own.
Rheumatic heart disease  - all the doors will be effective - long term -
But so far - it still is not bad yet.

But the mitral valve is very badly damaged- so have to change it.
General anaesthesia - 
Echo fault through the foot pipe to look ay the heart. 
Ga  you don't feel anything  
Mitral valve - - 2 or 3 per cent danger 
Your case reboot- 2nd time  - 5 to 10 per cent. Danger.
Entry part - bleeding and injure the major vessel.

Other than that - ga - per session.
Bleeding rates.
Redo cases.
Stroke cases may be seen . Open heart operation. 
I may not say that you - you ate not of high risk. - 3 to 5 per cent.
Heart valve operation- make deteem the conduction system 
And the heart beat can be irregular- very slow  - then the pace makers will be there  
But that was usually not very common also.
5per cent.

6 to 7 hours. 
Friday morning. 
2 to 3 days in icu
7 to 10 days - hospital stay.
By the time to go home,  you should be able to take care of your own self. 
Basic things like going toilet and all that stuff.
The heart was not operated on.

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