18 September 2023 Neurologist
Assoc Prof Deidre Anne De Silva
Thymectomy point of view - there is nothing.
Lung point of view - nothing
Heart - little bit big - CT thorax-- heart is little bit big
That's why Prof Chua us doing the surgery for you.
New symptoms double vision, anything. No
Swolling is the same. Yew
Thyroxine - 7 times a week. 25mcg each time.
Mysthenia gravis point of view - there is no need to do specifically.
Anesthesia will go about the Mestinon that you are on
Push your hands and legs -- for me to check.
Eye movement - contra indicate the surgery.
The muscle strength is all ok.
Especially the respiratory muscles.
Respiratory muscles are the same as the breathing muscles.
Anesthesia will know that you have got Mysthenia-
They will watch lah.
6 months time.
Prof Chua is an excellent cardio thoracsic surgeon.
Anesthesia - has already seen you
Heart muscles were affected probably related to the valve.
Something needs to be done.
You dont want further Heart muscle damage to occur.
That would cause longer term issues.
I will see you after the operation.