
Showing posts from June, 2023

21st April - rose is leaving.

22nd May- rose is leaving.  22nd may. I've found a replacement.  Genevieve.  But 22nd June  - Tesda and oec certificate  in Manila not done - I am waiting.......  Still! Rose doesn't want to look for a job. But she is getting cranky. She is fighting- I don't to get this or that. Rose is certainly not cooperating. She is supposed to do very little cooking  - and so many mouths to feed. Soni is coming -- there is some cherahh ... But no. Why should I do this or that. Alona- house maid agent -  May 22nd- we have given the cheque.   And we are still waiting for genevieve to come. But how do I fight with agent.  When I was supposed to loose - both sides I loose. 26th June Rose is doing less and less everyday. 950sgd - and doing less work.  Maid agency  - other maid is very slow. Manila govt is slow in getting Tedsa and oec (?) Certificates. 

22nd June 2023 12.05pm SGH heart Centre staff nurse

67048422 Sgh heart ctr staff nurse yolian  Called to say any pain fever. So I said my voice is course. But I had no fever. So staff nurse said to chew on lozenges.  So, that is all.

19th June 2023 pharmacy call.

12th June,  I received the meditation.  In it, there are blood thinners  - 2 numbers.  And Mestinon 10mcg and 60mcg. Papa was with me. And I made him call the pharmacy.  I didn't order the 60 mcg. The assistant said that the pharmacist will call you. Then.... no news from them. Then the pharmacy bill has been cleared from my medisave account. But no news from the pharmacist.  Sunita then helped me draft out the message via the website. 17th June.  The pharmacist called me 19th June at 7.20pm ! She says that  neurology doctor has given this 60  ???????? But I filled the form - 10mcg. I didn't put the 60mcg on the form !!!! But the pharmacist said that she will go through the lists with the doctors and revert to me. I don't believe this! 24th June Suzhi called. She is polite and honest.  She spoke to the doctor.  But the doctor said Jan 2022 - when I was warded in hospital, for cholesterol,  She increase the dose  - but the ...

Tuesday 20th June 2023 -- Trans Oesophageal Scan

Mama’s Trans Oesophageal Scan (level 5B outpatient cardiac lab) I was put in a chamber with the gadgets. Papa was not allowed.  The nurse said that she was putting the needle in. (For the anaesthesia) They tried to put in the scanner - it was a huge thing. 1" or 1.25" perimeter   And long --  It looked scary to me. I took the mouthwash, and after 2 minutes,  I swallowed it. And a numbing spray was placed in my mouth.  3 times-  I was supposed to the mouth guard and swallow.  I could not. Then they removed the mouth guard and said don’t bite any thing  - and swallow.  I couldn't swallow.  Then the doctor said- my right side looked smaller than my right? Did I have a stroke? I said yes. 2 years ago. Then he said- put anaesthesia. He really didn't say it. But the nurse, later  - told me. Half way through the Scan, when it was inside, I came around and swallowed but it was too hard to swallow. I realised that he increased the dosag...

April may June 2023


24th May until 18th June 2023

Nearly one month after I posted the last post. There is a lot that happened.  He was there. 7th June, 11th June, and 14th June.  12th. And yessss!  The heart cardio's appointment was 26th May 2023. And yes, I have to go for the heart operation.  There are so many appointments that sprang up.  And the old appointments  -  gastric scan appointment - music  n sleep and Dermotology annddd gastric appointment  - from last stroke.-  I still had to go too. It's just SGH SGH SGH everywhere ! The photos that I clicked - hasn't been so many.  But enjoy !